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Customized nutrition plan

There is no "one size fits all diet," together we will create a personalized meal plan in alliance with supplements and lifestyle modifications. Our goal will be to create necessary changes that will permanently mold into your life.


Breast implant illness

Breast Implant Illness has been mis-diagnosed for the past 20 years as auto-immune disease, GI problems, psychological distress, Lyme disease, hormonal imbalance, etc. Breasts implant illness effects everyone differently based on a number of conditions including genetic mutations, infections, mold, and viral exposure.  Together we determine which approach would work best for you and create a plan to help you get your health back on track.

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Detox program

My 30 day detox plan includes using food, shakes, and supplements that can produce tremendous results for reducing if not completely eliminating headaches, pain and inflammation, toxicity, bloating, brain fog, and reduce excess body fat.



Diabetes and blood sugar

Type 2 and pre-diabetes are easily manageable health conditions that you have complete control over. The struggle I hear from most patients is they don’t know what to eat or how to start. First we will review your blood labs, health history, and discuss your health goals. Then together we will create a customized a food and lifestyle plan that balances your blood sugar and prevents  the long-term effects of diabetes.
Autoimmune disease/illness

Foods can be either Pro-inflammatory or Anti-inflammatory, so every bite counts when you’re dealing with any form of auto-immune disease. This comes down to assessing your diet,  making modifications, and adding supplements to your daily routine.

Genetic test analysis

Getting your genetics tested is exciting, but interpreting those results can be difficult and then what do you with that information? I use an advanced software program to translate your genetic data from both 23andme and into an expanded format that provides a deep dive into your individual needs both nutritionally as well as lifestyle modifications. 

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